Feature Preview is the area for feedback on new upcoming work-in-progress features, available for testing by Unlimited / Lifetime members only.
If you’re not an subscriber, you will only be able to read, not reply to threads. We’ve done this so we can share features sooner than they’d usually be released, get high quality feedback, and it’s also a great way to thank those users supporting us.
Want to try out the new feature as well? Upgrade here at any time and then enable it under ‘Settings > App Preferences > Feature Previews’.
I love the feature preview idea. One common thread I get with development of Supernotes is the EXTREME care and perfectionism in adding features and updates. While laudable, as I really appreciate the speed, and the integration of all added features to the core experience of Supernotes, this leads to very long development cycles with features power users have clamored for and the devs have acknowledged and even started developing a while ago taking a lot of time to be released. This problem has been acknowledged by the team,
The features preview should speed up development/release cycles and still keep the core intact for those who value stability over cutting edge features. It also allows for tighter feedback loops before general release which should benefit general users and give power users what they want with the clear expectation that those are work in progress. It also allows the users to shape development more directly, as a general released feature is harder to modify given wide scale adoption/legacy workflows