Access to universal coupler on mobile

I’m pretty sure this one has been discussed before, but as I cannot find a thread on it, here we go.

When on mobile (or dedicated to mouse input on destop), when editing something a bit longer the universal coupler button moves easily out of view by scrolling down.

To add a link, this means I need to scroll up, which is actually pretty tedious.

A static button that is fixed relative to the screen itself or some longpress make-button-appear magic would solve this. It’s probably more complicated than I am framing it here, but you get the idea.

I have a feeling that this is a major issue when it comes to new users adopting to the app. What do you think?

Hi @freisatz,

We’ve got you covered, development on the keyboard bar has already been completed – this includes Markdown syntax quick-adds, moving the cursor, universal coupler button, undo, redo and a finish button and will be released as part of Supernotes 3 very soon. Looking forward to sharing it with you (a sneak-peek screenshot is below for you :wink: )


Super hyped :smiley:

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