Acronym pane menu on select

As someone within the computing industry, there is no other sector that has quite the number of acronyms as this - it really is its own language!

At the moment when I’m abbreviating a term, such as ‘CPU’ I would put this into brackets within the body of the note; ‘CPU (Central Processing Unit)’. For me this can look quite messy and interferes with the flow of learning. Also, I usually already know the acronym but if I were to share this notecard, I’d have to ensure these details remained.

Now, I could interlink these terms to their own notecard, however, this again looks a little messy and upsets the flow and learning. At the moment we have the ‘comment’ section for each notecard and wondered whether we could create a detail pane like that for acronyms and any disclaimers when a term is interacted with?

Hi @FruitOnyx,

Thanks for sharing your use case! A long time ago we used to support an abbreviated Markdown syntax like so:

*[HTML]: Hyper Text Markup Language

If you added that at the end of a card, it would underline all those words within a card and add a tooltip if you hovered over it. However it was clunky, only worked on desktop devices and ended up underlining every single word that it matched. So we dropped support in favour of using card links or footnotes.

I have a parent card called “Terminology” where I house all my technical terms as child cards, and then if I mention a term I link to that specific card. The bonus of this is I establish a bunch of backlinks when I mention a certain term which is interesting for myself, however not useful when sharing. For that, I suggest you try using footnotes, like so:

HTML^[Hyper Text Markup Language] can convert to Markdown 
if you have a powerful enough CPU ^[Central Processing Unit]


Is this possible on mobile?

Yes of course, as it’s just markdown. I’ve just updated the help center guide on footnotes for you here.

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Most appreciated for all your efforts!

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The use of Footnotes are actually working pretty well and does the job well enough to solve the issue I was experiencing.

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