Hey all, a very good discussion here. Thought it might be useful to provide some of our insight into this.
Most other more technical note-taking apps are long-form outliners and are block-based rather than card-based. Each paradigm has their own strengths and weaknesses, and indeed with long-form approaches embedding makes a lot of sense.
By focusing on short-form cards we encourage your notes to be more simple, reviewable and linkable. Generally embedding cards in other cards, goes against this approach and encourages longer duplicated content. This is also why we’ve built a parent-child flow, so you can quickly house relevant cards within each other.
At Supernotes we’re also not too keen to just tac-on features that other apps have, we like to take our time to tackle the problem head on and build something different that helps you even more. So while we aren’t too excited about adding embeds within cards, we do want to make it easier to navigate between cards and interact with them such as adding child cards below a card in preview mode and more things in the pipeline.
I’m marking this as ‘under-consideration’ at the moment, because while we won’t offer full card embeds, we may offer a universal concatenated version of card links along with url links. So if you write a link (whether it’s a card or url) on a new line by itself it will become a little preview.