Android app and IOS app

Hey guys, I know this is in your plan but I do feel the platform needs an app. This is a great product but I fear it will get left behind without the app. I have download the android app via Google but real would like to see an app with online capabilities.

Any ideas chaps?


Working on it! There are currently a bunch of things that are being worked on that need to come together for everything to work well (new editor + new architecture for some pieces + offline + more).

We are trying to release these new features as they come, but they are all very interwoven together which is why we have been struggling to release tentpole features one at a time.

But this is being worked on! Apps (and eventually native apps) are definitely very important for all platforms.

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Definitely seconding this - but I can relate also that it perhaps means a hell lot of work to construct android and iOS apps from scratch.
What I personally do think would be really crucial was to integrate the app into the OS’s native share system in order to be able to add links, notes and copied snippets of text onto separate cards that sit in some sort of inbox - or better call it “workbench”. From there they can be further processed afterwards.
Quick Dynalist adds a IMO very well structured functionality, including a way to add directly into a range o# documents (in this case " underparents") previously specified as “sub-inboxes”. I can confirm that this speeded up my way of working ahell lot and my collecting habits really flourished by that.

Might be a good way for Supernotes too I guess, given it’s structure and use-cases.