Any tips on micro-journaling?

I really like writing short thoughts throughout the day. In other apps I would use the daily notes feature for that. Supernotes obviously has daily notes, but each thought is a card. An app like Twos is great for that, but it’s as ugly as sin.

In Supernotes, I’m still not sure the best way to handle short sentences and thoughts. Should I make one card that I add on to throughout the day? Just make a card for each thought? It’s tough making a full card for just one sentence and giving it a title. A few times I have made one card and added thoughts throughout the day as comments. But I don’t think comments export with the notes.

Any thoughts or tips?


I was trying out using only the title for short sentences and leaving the body blank, but that also made it visually unappealing and lacked a lot of features.

I think given that each Card at the moment needs a Title, your best bet is to create one card per day and write everything into that.

I’d wish they had it so that if the Card Title is empty, it would simply not show.


The recent copy card id feature helps with this a little bit, I’ve started using it for untitled cards.

Basically, I create a card and if I don’t have a title I save it. I then copy the generated id and use the first dash separated hash in that as the card title.

Autogenerated template based titles or something similar would be an awesome future feature / app behavior preference for something like this and a more traditional id=title zettelkasten style workflow.


There are some fascinating workflows discussed in this thread! Thank you to everyone for sharing. Remember, there’s no right or wrong answer; it’s all about finding the workflow that suits you best.

One reason we advocate for the use of titles within Supernotes, aside from their current utility in navigation (like drag and drop), is their ability to help you organize, recall, and resurface your knowledge. While it might seem cumbersome for shorter cards, assigning titles makes it much easier to locate a card later on – even the act of thinking about a title can aid in memorizing the content. This approach aligns with the Zettelkasten method that many members appreciate.

A key advantage of Supernotes is that you don’t necessarily need a daily card but can instead view all cards within the daily view. Shifting your mindset from daily notes, which you might be accustomed to with other tools, can foster a more productive workflow, in our opinion. Instead of compiling all your thoughts for the day into one lengthy note, you have the option to create five or six notecards.

Cards that are unfinished, lacking a title or a parent because you haven’t yet given them structure, appear in your Thoughts Collection. This serves as a gentle nudge to either complete your thought and transform it into a permanent piece of knowledge or discard it if it’s no longer relevant (like a fleeting draft or shopping list). This process aids in curating your knowledge, ensuring that not everything is simply written down and recorded, but that the truly important information is preserved.

If you notice recurring themes over time, such as “Workouts,” “Reflections,” or “Meal Plans,” you can establish parent cards for these categories and organize the related cards accordingly. This strategy enables you to delve into specific aspects of your past months, such as consolidating all your workout logs in one place, a functionality that singular daily notes cannot provide.

Just some food for thought; I hope you find these insights useful. Feel free to share any additional thoughts below. We might even create a short YouTube video on this topic.


Thank you Tobias,

if the Card Title is empty, it would simply not show if you exit the edit-mode

Is not displaying the “Placeholder Title” for untitled Cards also against Supernotes philosophy?

I get the explanation you offered and I generally do Title all my cards. Still, I feel like the Placeholder title adds unnecessary clutter to the card, if you’re currently not editing it.

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No problem @Yannic, that’s what we are here for.

The “Untitled” placeholder is intentionally designed to nudge you to fill in a title for that card. It serves as a quick reminder that a card is incomplete and not yet finished. By clicking or tapping on that field, you can immediately add a title. Removing this feature would result in many more cards without titles, leading to a worse experience overall.

Having said this, we’ve still experimented with not displaying the “Untitled” placeholder and found that it leads to a more jarring experience with inconsistent cards. For example, if a card has parents, they will appear at the top before any content, which can look a bit off.

However, we’re always open to feedback. If you’d like us to consider this further, please upvote the original post in this thread so we can gauge interest.



Maybe as a workaround:
I’ve experimented with using very short Note titles and using a tag on the journal entries:

Together with the seemless mode, this might work for you too.
I think these ⋮ bullets look kind of aesthetic, but you can also use just a a . or a | or :label: or anything really.


What I’m doing is using an Apple Shortcut to add the date and time to the note title. It’s not so bad for now. I can change the title later if I want.

Thanks for sharing @Iamjmw! Out of interest have you tried the new Telegram Bot? It creates a card with the date as the title and appends any message from the day to that same “Daily” notecard.

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I don’t use Telegram that much. I use Apple Shortcuts to send text to Supernotes via the API which is super fast for me.

The problem I am running in to is that I want to do journaling throughout the day and I haven’t found a great system for that. Supernotes is ok for that at times, but it’s better for deeper thoughts and knowledge. It’s not necessarily great for micro-journaling. I still haven’t found that app yet. Everlog is pretty good for just something like that.

But I’m currently using my Shortcut to send thoughts to Supernotes for now. It works pretty well.

Check out Journalistic, very new but promising for micro journaling!