API/Callback support to open a card from another app

It’s possible using the Apple ecosystem’s x-callback-urls to have one app launch another, or even open another’s files with a link.

I’d like to see Supernotes add this feature. Then I could do something like link a Supernotes card in a Reminders to do, or link a Supernotes card in Ulysses (eg., to have notes in Supernotes and long form writing in Ulysses while keeping them connected).


HI @mortalstarinventor! As you may have seen, we are actively working on integrating Supernotes into a variety of other systems. One of these is definitely URL support for Supernotes so that you can open Supernotes cards from any other app on mobile or desktop. In fact this is one of the next things we will be adding in upcoming updates, so stay tuned!


Awesome thanks!

Super interested as well in using x-callback-urls for my workflows (Eg a shortcut on the iOS homescreen to open a certain note).

Hi @selmo,

This actually already exists, we’ve just been testing it at the moment and haven’t published any documentation. To open a card from another app use supernotes://card_id=ENTER_CARD_ID_HERE – you can find the card_id in the url of an opened card on the web app or when you create a link to that card. We will make this more user friendly in the future :slight_smile:


@tobias this is awesome. Confirming it works like a charm. Thanks!