Would be nice if I could add my Google Calendar or .ICS URL to Supernotes and have my meetings show up in the Calendar so I can easily create notes from them.
Bonus points would be if tasks I create are exported and displayed on my Google Calendar.
Thank you for your suggestion! Adding the ability to sync your calendars is definitely something that we have on our backlog, but it is not currently a top priority for us at the moment.
We have broader plans to greatly extend integration capabilities over the coming months, and calendars will definitely be included as part of that.
Hi there
I love th so app but it would be great if it showed my calender events for Apple and Google and the ability to create a card from these events. Is this something you guys are considering?
Hi @Pezkar2471, we’ve had a few requests for Calendar integrations and I’ve brought them all together here. It’s something we’d like to support in the future and I’ve added a +1 for this for you. If anyone would like this, please like the first post in this topic.