Cut parents don't sync to apps

Description of the bug
Cut parents are not synced between apps.

Device, App & Version
Web app, macOS 3.1.8, iPad 3.1.11, iPhone 3.1.11

Steps to reproduce
On a Mac or iPhone, cut a parent from a card. The cut parent will not propagate to the other apps – the parent will remain in those other apps. The content of the notes does update correctly. This happens in the web app, iphone app, ipad app, and macos app.

Note: logging out and logging in on the “receiving” end where the cut has not shown up, always fixes the problem. Could this be a cache problem?

Screenshots / Screen Recording
On the right is the web app, where I cut the parent “Unread”. On the left is the macOS app, where the parent “Unread” remains on the card.

Thanks for the thorough report @michaerical, very helpful!

It indeed looks like a cache issue, we generally err on the side of preserving information. We’ll see what we can do to fix this.

Thanks for taking a look! Have a good holiday