Joining Setapp

First of all, I want to congratulate you for the awesome work. Did you guys think of joining Setapp? I believe they have over 1 million subscribers and there is nothing like your app there.

Thanks! I’m actually a Setapp customer and a good number of the apps I use come from there. We have not really considered it, mostly because we don’t really know how we could join Setapp and have that work with our existing business model. As an app that doesn’t charge you for access but only for increasing your quota (and doesn’t remove cards from you when you unsubscribe), we have variable costs associated with usage that don’t map as well to the Setapp model (where most apps are the type you pay for once and never again).

But pricing and monetization is certainly not set in stone, we’re always happy to entertain new ideas for how we can deliver Supernotes in a way where everyone gets the best value.