Keyboard shortcut for strike through

Hello! I would love to see a keyboard shortcut for strike through text similar to cmd + b and cmd + i for bold and italic text respectively. Maybe cmd + s would work?

Hi @kakka0930,

If you highlight the selected text and just tap the ~ key twice then you will create a strike through, one extra keypress but means we can support lots of different marks the same way. Is this good enough for you? Or would you still like a dedicated keyboard shortcut?

Hi @tobias I tried that with a US international keyboard and I can’t have this. It just removes the text.
Sorry, but I changed from US International to ABC keyboard layout and I got that
In addition, why we can’t have the most common keyboard shortcut for that cmd + shift + s ?

Hi @ivomota,

Happy to revisit this topic, and as such I’ve re-opened it to be Under Consideration.

Cmd / CtrlShiftS isn’t the most common use for strikethrough, since it’s usually reserved for saving files. It’s only recent editors from Notion, Jira that have bucked the convention to add this particular shortcut. We’ll looking into it and see what we can do :smiley: