Keyboard shortcut to change case

I’d love an option to change case for a word through a keyboard combination or menu option.

My specific use case is that I paste in SQL and want to quickly make some of the kkey words (e.g., SELECT, FROM, WHERE) uppercase from what someone typed in.

I also see useful cases where I could change the case quickly in a note, or even make it sentence case when pasting from a Teams or Text message where case is rarely used.

Hi @tlbignerd, thanks for the feature request.

@connor and I just had a chat about this. We could either go down the route of going with how Word does it (Shift + F3) to cycle between uppercase, lowercase, and title case, or come up with our own better approach. We’ll see what we can do :smiley:

Oh, that’d be wonderful. It’s kind of what I had in mind too.

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