Keyboard shortcut to set targeted date

I’m quite a way into automating my usage of SuperNotes. Most of this automation revolves around daily notes. I also have weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly notes. I’m trying to automate creating all of these at the right moment using Keyboard Maestro.

However, one thing I’m unable to do is set the targeted date, as there seems to be no keyboard shortcut to get to that input field.

Is there a workaround available, or can this be added in a future release?

It depends how you structure your cards. You can set the target date by adding it in the title with format YYYY-MM-DD.

I’m using different title formats, e.g. ‘2024-Q3’ (quarterly notes), ‘2024-12’ (monthly notes), so this doesn’t work. I tried temporarily inserting a YYYY-MM-DD date in the title, saving the note, editing it again, and removing the YYYY-MM-DD marker. It works, but it’s kind of clunky.

Would using the API for it be an option? As long there is no implemented feature for it?

Today I converted al my Keyboard Maestro scripts to PHP using API calls. Setting the targeted date is solved!

New feature request: keyboard shortcut to reload changes in SuperNotes app.

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Re. pulling the latest changes, if you’re in a certain view, and just press the same keyboard shortcut i.e. List View: Cmd / CtrlL and this will check for any updates.

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