LaTeX - Cropping Bug

Hi @JohnCP,

Thanks for the bug report, this makes a lot of sense. The behaviour you are experiencing is an odd outlier.

The intended use case for in-line LaTeX blocks wrapped with single dollars, $LaTeX$, is short equations or variables. Since these blocks are inline, they do not have a scrolling ability and therefore are cropped if they go on too long.

Instead you should use multi-line LaTeX block wrapped with double-dollars, $$, as you can scroll them horizontally if they overflow. Like the example below (it looks slightly different as it’s our upcoming super editor)

2022-02-09 01.20.39

Unfortunately multi-line LaTeX blocks are not supported within lists at the moment. For text, we generally recommend using Markdown rather than LaTeX. This will improve performance as well as have better overflow behaviour. I hope that helps!

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