Mantenere la data di creazione di una nota Craft

Hello everyone!!! I have recently started using Supernotes again, when I discovered it months and months ago I liked it immediately, but some of my limitations have prevented me from making the final switch. I am currently using Craft, and I have over 1000 notes of famous quotes and phrases that I would like to import, collected over about 15 years using Evernote before. In doing a test import of a very old note in markdown, from Craft, I noticed that it does not keep the original creation date for me. It would be critical for me to be able to retain it. I would even be willing to manually import 50 notes at a time…is there a possibility to import it with the original date? Thank you all in advance

Hi @antonello23, welcome to the Supernotes Community :tada:

Since Supernotes is a shared platform, it’s important that we respect the original date of a note created on Supernotes. For example, you know you imported these notes and didn’t actually make them on Supernotes 4 years ago.f

We have a targeted date feature for precisely the reason you’re asking for. The targeted data overrides the card creation date. When importing the creation date of a note will become the targeted date. I hope that helps!

Hi Tobias! Thanks for replying! I tried to import a Craft note that has a creation date of 2011, but when i import it i see in Supernotes that targeted date shows today’s date.
Am I doing something wrong or maybe I am not clear about something? Sorry.

Ah no you’re not doing anything wrong. Unfortunately due to some web File API restrictions we’re only able to read the modified date of a file rather than the created date.

So if you export from Craft it will set the modified date to be the export time which means that when you import into Supernotes it will set the targeted date to be incorrect. If you’re adamant that you’d like all these notes in Supernotes, you could look into potentially create a Pipedream workflow that will import them into Supernotes using our API – although this will require some technical knowhow.

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I understand now Tobias, thank you. You know what? Since I have almost the same Craft notes saved to Apple notes, I tried exporting one from 2011 from Apple Notes to Supernotes a the targeted date is met! Which is not the case when imported from Craft… strange, but it works!

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