So, my year subscription expired last month. After contemplating this deeply, unfortunately I’ve decided not to renew at this point. There’s quite a few reasons why I’ve decided not to. I’ll try to touch on them below. Just please don’t get offended by my opinions, I have nothing against SuperNotes whatsoever. Infact, when I first discovered it more than a year ago I thought I had finally found the answers to my prayers.
First Off - Where/what did my money even go to?
In the entire year that’s passed since paying for my subscription, I’ve been continually disappointed time and time again with the speed of development of SuperNotes. It seems like this just isn’t the priority of the creators and more like something they do when and if they feel like it. It doesn’t feel like they are too worried about the fact they have thousands of paying customers depending on them to follow through with their promise of creating a great tool that evolves to fit users needs. While I will say they actively respond and contribute in the community; I would say further developing their product at a reasonable pace far outweighs the importance of community involvement.
So while on that subject, I’ve not noticed a single big feature be released. All I’ve seen are minuscule feature updates that no one would notice if not for change logs. I’m not trying to be harsh, I’m just objectively comparing you guys progress compared with a few much smaller competitors without even a sliver of the same amount of resources and capital that you guys have. Heptabase for example has been releasing updates damn near every single day, yes not every day is a game changing new feature but the majority of their updates have all provided massive improvements and new features that have furthered their product capabilities basically 10 fold in my year subscription.
Some notable updates just off the top of my head in my past year of Heptabase subscription:
- A new Daily Journaling Feature
- The ability to visually show relations between cards on a whiteboard
- Multiple additions to the block editor
- A reworked card (note) library
- Card Backlinks
- Infinitely Nestable Whiteboards
- Inline linking of Whiteboards in Cards
- Inline Journal linking
- A sidebar allowing working in splitview on multiple notes or working on whiteboard and a note at the same time
- Extensive card property support
- Live sync & collaboration support
- Better keyboard shortcuts for outlining
- Blazing fast performance updates
- Blazing fast media hosting
- Local media support
- One of the best Readwise integrations I’ve ever seen in a note taking app, ever, period
- File support
- PDF Viewing support
- Whiteboard PDF viewing & annotating support
That’s just off the top of my head. I’m sure I’ve missed quite a few. When comparing this with SuperNotes progress it really puts things into perspective for you. Like I said, Heptabase is a very small team without nearly as much funding/capital as SuperNotes yet their progress has outpaced SuperNotes more than tenfold. I can’t fathom why this is the case, the only reasons that come to mind are reasons I don’t want to be true and would like to think the SuperNotes creators are above. In my year as a SuperNotes subscriber I would say I haven’t even noticed a 10% improvement in the product. Can you provide any justification for this?
There’s many many features I’m missing and have been patiently waiting to arrive to SuperNotes. I’ve seen countless people request the same features as well. Nothing ever seems to come of them. One of the main ones that spurred me to post this today is a more fluid system for creating and linking notes with each other than the overcomplicated system of keyboard shortcuts that is and has been plaguing SuperNotes from essentially the beginning. It shouldn’t take 6 actions to create a link to a note/create a new note from a related note. I don’t comprehend the difficulty of implementing the near industry standard feature of [[Wikilinks]].
Another thing that really kills my productivity and leaves me unenthusiastic about renewing my subscription or continuing to use SuperNotes until it’s resolved - Why is there still no Apple Share Menu integration or Shortcuts integration? There are not even basic AppleScript capabilities on Mac. Yes, I know an API was created and being worked on but this obviously requires relevant knowledge in APIs/development to utilize unless you want to sit and wait around for someone to create an integration you’re looking for instead of easily being able to build them yourself with Apple Shortcuts. This is a main reason I haven’t renewed my year subscription yet.
I feel that the priorities aren’t right on the team. It’s actually depressing considering when I first discovered SuperNotes over a year ago I was totally flabbergasted that I found what I thought was the tool to end my seemingly endless quest for the perfect note taking tool. I really hope I’m proven wrong about all this and that things change drastically, and quickly. Otherwise, I fear this is the end of my relationship with SuperNotes which would be oh so disappointing.