It would be great if we could disable the Preview in the settings so we don’t need to double-click or shift-click to see the child notes.
Smart idea. I’d like to try this.
Interesting, we experimented with this a lot a while back. The conclusion we came to was that almost all users, get used to the single / double-click mechanic and while finding it odd initially ended up preferring it. Although we’re always happy to accommodate different preferences now that we have User Preferences!
Just to clarify, do you mean disable the preview globally or just in the Outline? We rely on the preview for things such as backlinks, viewing / editing cover cards, creating newly linked cards and more – a global setting might be more confusing since the behaviour when clicking on cards won’t always be the same. Or we could inverse the mechanic, so single-click to open a card and double / shift click to open preview?
The inverse mechanic sounds like it could work. Would def be interested to try.
The double click always feels a bit odd imo but the outline is where it’s the most annoying. A preference to inverse the mechanic might be the best.