Removing tags from auto-suggested list

In your docs I’ve read that

The auto-suggested list is generated by all the tags that are on your cards in your library (even those in Junk). If you would like to remove a tag in this list please remove all instances of that particular tag and then refresh your page to remove it from the auto-suggested list.

However, this doesn’t work in practice, as after clicking the little cross on the icon of the tag, and then refreshing, I can still add the tag as a filter, and receive a no cards found screen.

Hi Samuel, welcome to the Supernotes Community!

The docs is referring to the auto-suggested list in the Tag Coupler which is this:

I appreciate this wasn’t very clear in the docs, so I have gone ahead and edited the article.

Also to permanently remove a tag from your library on the desktop apps, please log out and back into the app. Hope that helps!