Reparenting Operation (Nest)

It’d be great to have a keyboard shortcut that simultaneously cuts a card from a given parent and re-parents it to another card in the same view. In other words, I’d love a shortcut that given the following structure:

  - B
  - C

would enable me to transform the structure as follows:

  - B
    - C

Basically, it would move a card at depth level 1 to depth level 2 (under another select card within the same parent).

As projects/hierarchies evolve, I commonly run into a situation where a note that belonged to a more general parent now has a more specific parent (that is a child of the general parent) that it should be moved into.

I’ve been able to use the current suite of shortcuts for the first time in a while, and I gotta say, great job on these. It feels great to use a completely keyboard driven workflow in SN. I feel as productive as I do in vim, which is saying something.

We’ve thought about this in the past, but decided it was a little bit too inflexible. Have you tried just dragging and dropping while holding shift?

Actually, drag and drop works well enough for my use case. Didn’t realize holding shift would also cut the current parent, thanks @connor!