Reverse Sides on Cards

Hi all, this is maybe a bit of an odd feature request, but I think having a “reverse side” on cards would be a wonderful feature for storing miscellaneous secondary information related to a card.

When using physical index cards for capturing concepts, the obverse side is a great place to capture references, follow-up notes, or other misc information. In supernotes, one can already capture secondary information in a variety of ways: spoilers, tags, linked cards. etc. but these all have limitations. Tags only support a limited amount of information, spoilers are flexible but may not have the level of separation or if you want, while linked cards might induce more separation that you want.

I think having a “reverse side” for each card would be a great visual metaphor and correspondence to analog cards and great place to store secondary information—this could help keep the primary content on cards short in keeping with the sn method, while keeping associated information close.

All that said, I realize this is a bit specific and others may not benefit as much. Such an idea is implementable in SN using parent-child cards or links, so I could do it that way, but thought I’d raise this in case others find it interesting, cheers!


I think it’s a great idea and the reverse side could also double up to turn the cards into flashcards which I think would be a really powerful use case that I know has been raised as a suggestion previously in the community as well.

It’s a fun idea, and this is actually how cards worked in the Supernotes Alpha. We tried it out for a while, but in the end decided to bin it (in favor of the drawer system we still have today) for a few of reasons:

  • with regards to metadata, we found it was usually nicer to be able to see this alongside the card content, rather than having to flip back and forth.
  • when the size of the back content is different from the size of the front content, you end up having to shrink/grow the card in order for everything to look right when flipping it, which felt janky when you have cards stacked together, as in the Supernotes Noteboard.

That said, it sounds like you mostly want the back of a card to be just an entirely new content section that is left to the user, which is not something we tried and has some interesting use-cases for sure. So for now we’ll leave this open for discussion and if anyone else has good ideas please chime in (and don’t forget to like @solsen’s original post if you’d like to see this in Supernotes to help us gauge interest)!