Sometimes I take pictures of my sketches using my phone and embedd these images within the notes using the Supernotes android app. When I’m viewing these images on desktop, however, I prefer to change their orientiation such that they fill more of my horizontal screen real-estate.
It would be pretty helpful if the image viewer in the supernotes desktop app, beyond just magnifying in and out, could also rotate the image orientiations.
Thanks for your feature request, that makes a lot of sense. Would you be happy if it’s a temporary rotation? So if you rotate it, and then close the image viewer you’d have to press rotate again to see it as before – this would only be for mobile / small screen devices.
I think a temporary rotation would be fine. But, at least for my use case, would I would prefer is to have this function on the desktop app. Because when I see an image in the wrong orientation no my phone, it’s relatively easy to just rotate my entire phone. But when the image is in wrong orientation on my monitor, then there’s no option other than downloading it and rotating it in my system’s app.
Ah gotcha, I was initially thinking you preferred viewing images in certain orientations on a phone (i.e. a landscape image you’d want to rotate right so you could view more of it at once on a small phone screen).
We’re planning on greatly improving images soon, and we’ll look into adding rotation support as part of that update.