Table / Database view

Would WYSIWYG work for tables? I am working with tables every day and have to render several times to get an overview - this was much easier when I used notion and had the database in front of me and only had to fill the given cells.

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Hi @isaiur,

Improving tables within the editor is definitely something we could look into.

Although cards are designed to be small and readable on narrow-width displays like phone screens, adding large tables within cards slightly defeats the point. A better solution is to add a database / table view instead, where cards themselves are the rows, and combining this with custom metadata in the future could be pretty powerful.


Database / table view would be awesome! That was one thing I wanted to ask about anyway.

Awesome, I just moved this to be a separate feature request :slight_smile:

For my workflow, I created a markdown table template that I use to populate cards where I want a table, in certain parent cards for example. Within those tables I often link to relevant child cards. Rows in the table usually include some other type of info, like progress bars. (I created templates of progress bar graphics that I designed in Illustrator.) So I use tables as a very basic database.

Other times the table template I created comes in handy for other types of tables in notes, etc.

Of course, templates don’t solve your WYSIWYG rendering issue, but they save time over typing the markdown table structure every time.


Thanks for your input! I already use templates (saved in supernotes) and shortcuts on my streamdeck. For me - as I’d try to say - it‘s hard to read, when I have a longer paragraph which goes over several lines to navigate through the table.

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I would really love a database/table view! Thank you.