Timezone support for Telegram bot

It seems that Telegram bot is using a set Timezone for creating daily card? I live in New Zealand and depending on Time of day the daily card will get created for yesterday. For example, creating one just now (7am NZ time 20, August) created a daily card for 19 August.

Yep, the Telegram/Daily functionality uses UTC as the inflection point for switching the card date. We experimented with using local timezone instead, but found this had a number of downsides:

  • different users would have different cutoffs so it was hard to coordinate certain things
  • the same user could change timezones, and then you’d have some cards which represented a 24-hour period and some that represented more or less, depending on when the changeover happened.
  • determining the user’s timezone automatically can be difficult, and if we instead require setting it manually then users can and will forget to change it when they’ve changed timezones, resulting in confusion.

So for those reasons we decided against doing that and just working with UTC. Is there a specific reason/usecase that you’d like it to be in your local timezone? The dates on the daily card aren’t exactly meant to be meaningful beyond “this day happened before this day”.

Thanks for the clarification. It was just a slight annoyance for the note to be placed on incorrect date but I can live with it and work around it.