Universal Settings

Can we have universal settings for displaying, ordering and sizing our cards so that our choices are replicated across the entire app?

Hi @K3nzo,

Thanks for the suggestion! There’s already a global setting for sort preference, in App Preferences > Customise Behaviour > Default Sort Order.

Out of interest what are your use cases for wanting displaying as well? You can currently choose to change the display of all cards from within the Noteboard Options > Display as… menu.

Hey Tobias,

Unfortunately, I’ve noticed that the Universal sorting doesn’t work consistently across my collections.

Also, to answer your question, I’d love for there to be a universal card view across all my notes. For example, I love the Broadsheet 1 column view because it stretches my notes filling the page. However, currently I have to manually select this view between each of my collections and parent cards.

A bit offtopic maybe, but where can you set up a 1 column Broadsheet?

On desktop, if you select the display option on either your collection or parent card you can select Broadsheet; from there, just below the first note you can select the display view from there. By default I think it either displays 3 columns or it’s on auto.