When editing, opening settings modals triggers mobile keyboard to reopen

Description of the bug
The keyboard will hide the settings modals if attempting to edit settings when a note is also open for editing.

App & Version
Supernotes v3.0.7
iOS 17.3.1

Steps to reproduce

  1. Edit a note (cursor does not have to be in the title/body of the note).
  2. Tap profile icon in upper right.
  3. Tap settings.
  4. Tap app preferences.
  5. Keyboard pops obscuring part of the settings modal.

Screenshots / Screen Recording

Hi @denleschae, first off welcome to the Supernotes Community! :partying_face:

Great spot! We will fix this in an upcoming update.

This should be fixed in Supernotes 3.1. Please let us know if not!