Convert Selected Text to Child Card

When writing sometimes I realize that I would rather rather split a cards contents up. It would be nice if we could convert text selections into child/sibling cards.

Current Workflow
A new user is performing a brain dump of all the projects for various different areas they want to manage within supernotes.

  1. They create a Blog card that represents the top level parent they want to categorize these projects under and then start listing their current projects as a list in the card.
  2. Once complete the user then selects the text of the first item
  3. The user exits the note
  4. The user creates a new note and pastes the title
  5. The user re-opens the original note
  6. The user deletes the originally selected text
  7. The user uses the / command to create a note link to the just created note
  8. The user repeats this step for each item in the list

Proposed Workflow
A new user is performing a brain dump of all the projects for various different areas they want to manage within supernotes.

  1. They create a Blog card that represents the top level parent they want to categorize these projects under and then start listing their current projects as a list in the card.
  2. Once complete the user then selects the text of the first item
  3. The user right cicks and selects create child card
  4. The user repeats this for each item on the list

Description of Functionality

  • When a user has selected text and right clicked/long pressed it they will have “Create Child” “Create Sibling” “Create Thought” as options in the selection menu.
  • Regardless of the option chosen the following will occur
    • A new card will be created with the title being the first line of the selected text, and any additional lines of text being the content.
    • The first selected line of text will be converted to a card link to the new card, any additional lines of text will be deleted from the original card.
  • If Create Thought was selected the card generated will have no parent linked.
  • If Create Child is selected the new card will be created as a child of the card from which the text originated
  • If Create Sibling is selected the new card will be created as a parent of the same card that the originating card is a child of.
    • When a user (inevitably) selects create sibling from a card that has no parent the logic will default to as if the Create Thought option was chosen.

Hi @sethdrebitko, this workflow is actually already possible with Supernotes, assuming I’ve understood correctly.

Here is a gif I made to illustrate.

In summary

  1. Create blog card
  2. In the body of the blog card, write the name of the sub-card you want to create
  3. Select the name text
  4. Press the “coupler” shortcut (/ or \ depending on your settings)
  5. The “reference coupler” should automatically open with the selected text in the search field, with an option at the top to create a new card with that name
  6. Click enter
  7. The new card with the specified title will open up in the preview, fill out the card and finish it
  8. The card’s ID will automatically be added to the original blog card
  9. Finish the blog card and you’re done.

Ah ok this was my misunderstanding then. I had never tried to hit a slash command with selected text because I assumed it would delete the text.
Thanks for the follow up!

Following that instruction creates a new card at the same level. How can I add a new card as a child of the card where I entered the text, rather than at the same level as that card?

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You could drag and drop the title of the card you want as a child on to the title title of the card you want as a parent!


This typical workflow for selecting text to create a new card does not work from within previously created cards. Is that a bug or just a limitation?

It’s currently a limitation of creating cards within preview. We’re adding support for this soon.