Custom Collections

Hi @Yannic,

We share your enthusiasm for Custom Collections, and are just as excited to unveil it! We know we’ve taken some more time building out this feature than anticipated, but we promise you it’s worth the wait. We can say with a certainty that 3.1 includes Custom Collections and will definitely be our next release.

As @freisatz mentioned above our current estimate is Early May. The magnitude of features in 3.1, including some surprises, necessitates a bit more time than our usual cadence of monthly updates.

We’re also very happy with how stable and reliable Supernotes has been. To make sure this continues, we’re making sure 3.1 is thoroughly put through its paces – ergo we won’t be rushing the release for the sake of new feature(s).

In addition, we’re also putting together some guides and example workflows that will coincide with the launch of 3.1 to help new and existing members get started. We can’t wait to share everything with you soon!