Mac app experiences PowerMonitor error when coming back from sleep

Just FYI, got this after the upgrade. Not making a separate issue at the moment, as I’m not sure if it will re-occur and I can’t reproduce. Restarted the app and working ok now

We were able to reproduce this so I’ve gone ahead and split into its own topic for better tracking. This seems to be a bug from a previous release actually, but we will make sure it is fixed in the next one.


If this error pops up when you wake your Mac from sleep and no Supernotes window is open, you can safely ignore it. The app tries to find an open window but can’t, so it throws this error.

We’ve just released a hotfix for this issue. You can download it at Download | Supernotes. Please note that you’ll need to re-download the app manually; it won’t automatically update since the version number hasn’t changed.