Share your custom collections!

Custom collections are really cool and would love to have some examples from the community!

So I’ll start…

First custom collection is code snippets. Everything that has a code snippets shows up in here!

Second one is web links. Same as code snippets but for web links. Makes it easy to find that old bookmark!

What custom collection do you use? Share it!

Mine are fairly simple :slight_smile:



I would love to know how serendipity collection works! Sounds interesting

Are those tag based?

  • “Next Discussions” is based on card titles
  • “Next Version” is based on card titles
  • “Telegram” is tagged
  • “Building and Construction” is a lot of different filters: tags, parents, author, perms, etc
  • “Unchecked” is just the “Tasks” default collection, renamed (so a content filter)

And don’t want to answer for him, but @freisatz actually posted about his “Serendipity” collection here. In essence, it is a collection of all cards with the “random” sort enabled to help with rediscovering cards that haven’t been seen in a while.

Which is honestly such a good idea we’re considering adding it (or something similar) as one of the pre-configured defaults.


Thanks! Serendipity collection is such a great idea! Gonna steal that haha!

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