Opening up a discussion topic about using Supernotes for writers of all kinds. SN has native apps for Mac, iOS, Windows, Android, and Linux, plus it runs in various web browsers (for when you are on a public library computer). If needed, you could open SN simultaneously online and in the local app.
It is rare for an app to support this many platforms, affording a variety of options to your workflow, and ways of accessing Supernotes. Interoperability should be a concern in choosing your writing tools, for now and in the future – whether arranging your thoughts on a desktop screen or taking notes in the field (the bus, the bar, the meeting, wherever). At the moment, SN’s web-clipper extension is unavailable, following a recent Chrome update, although it still runs fine in the browser, We web users are hoping for an updated extension in the near future. Personally, I like the look & feel of the SN app on an Android tablet.
SN is not intended to replace your dedicated word processing or script writing software. It excels at collecting and connecting all the bits, pieces, snippets, definitions, quotes, bookmarks and URLs, footnotes, anecdotes, idea fragments, and miscellaneous ephemera that writers forever need to refer back to. It’s your knowledgebase, or maybe your intern. Note cards are formatted using easy-to-learn Markdown, which is a simplified markup language. Markdown is common in many types of apps today. Blocks of text can be moved or copied between cards, or between apps, without the complications of proprietary file types, while retaining their italics, bold, headings, bullets, and so on. Notes can always be written with no formatting, in “simple text”.
Disclosure: I’m a fairly new SN learner myself, I’m not a professional writer, and I take notes on Windows and Android devices. Please comment if I report anything here that is less than accurate. Newbies and seasoned Supernoters often remark on how well designed SN is, both aesthetically and functionally. It is fun to work with.
SN features multiple themes for day and night, and its note cards can be color coded. A second note card can be opened up (pinned) in the right sidebar for working on two, or more, texts side by side (you may know how important this is). The software is intuitive but also offers many subtle bells & whistles – often borrowing from other successful apps – which could take some time to fully absorb. Still, you should be able to start working right away.
Getting started on SN is free for up to 100 note cards. Students qualify for a discount. All purchases come with a 14-day money back guarantee.
Note cards are the “atomic” building blocks of SN personal knowledge management (PKM), fondly referred to as one’s second brain. (SN note cards are not the same as flashcards, found in apps like RemNote.) Note cards can connect to each other in at least three ways: parent-child (like folders), internal links and backlinks (wiki-style), and via tags. SN is adaptable to your organizing structure. It supports note-importing from Notion, Google Keep, Obsidian, Roam Research, and plain Markdown files.
- Import your existing Markdown notes into Supernotes
- Paradigm for using Supernotes consistently
- Overview of Supernotes Features
There is tons of insightful information on these Community forum pages and on the SN Help pages:
Lastly, here are links to SN’s own list of its competitor apps, plus two excellent sites for detailed app reviews and comparisons:
How are you using Supernotes in your own work, and what tips or questions do you have for other writers?