Which three features are you most looking forward to? (2024 edition)

The only thing that feels “missing” to me is a small but important thing: I wish backlinks on a parent card were visible when that card is being viewed. Backlinks are only visible on child cards below the parent card, or in preview mode. When the card is “opened” there no indication that links to it even exist. Conversely, child cards are not visible in preview mode. Feels like a mistake/oversight, and hampers the way I would like to use Supernotes: I want to be able to link to ”topic” cards and be confident that if I view the topic card I’ll know about all backlinks and child cards right away.

Even better would be if those backlinks could be transcluded by default, though I could see that being a bit more challenging design-wise then simply adding the “quote and number” backlinks button.

Beyond that, it would be awesome to be able to use a Tabletop / Whiteboard View, particularly with a Nested whiteboard aspect like Muse has or with ways of viewing hierarchy spatially, kind of like combining graph, tabletop, and mindmap views which I know have been discussed on this forum before.