Readwise to Supernotes via Pipedream

Inspired by the request by anvanvan, I added a little script to my workflow that adds the timestamp to things that I highlight in a Youtube video’s transcript in Readwise Reader.

In case this is useful for some of you, here you go

from youtube_transcript_api import YouTubeTranscriptApi as yta
import re

def format_yt_timestamp(video_id, time):
    formatted = []
    for t in time:
        hours = int(t // 3600)
        min = int((t // 60) % 60)
        sec = int(t % 60)
        ts_url = f"{hours:02d}h{min:02d}m{sec:02d}s"
        ts = f"{hours:02d}:{min:02d}:{sec:02d}"
        url = f"{video_id}&t={ts_url}"

    return formatted

def normalize(str):
    str.replace("\n", ' ')
    return ' '.join(str.split())

def get_timestamps(video_id, search_word):
    transcript_list = yta.list_transcripts(video_id)
    transcript = [t.fetch() for t in transcript_list][0]

    data = [t['text'] for t in transcript]
    timestamp = [t['start'] for t in transcript]

    text = ''
    time = []
    search_word = normalize(search_word)

    for i, line in enumerate(data):
        line = normalize(line)
        text = line + ' ' + text
        if search_word in text:
            text = ''
    return format_yt_timestamp(video_id, time)

def handler(pd: "pipedream"):
    # Prepare inputs
    book = pd.steps["book"]["$return_value"]
    highlight = pd.steps["trigger"]["event"]

    # Get domain base
    url = book["source_url"]
    text = highlight["text"]
    video_id = ''
    match ="youtube\.com\/watch.+v=([a-zA-Z0-9]{0,})", url)
    if match:
        video_id =

    match ="youtu\.be\/([a-zA-Z0-9]{0,})", url)
    if match:
        video_id =
    format_timestamp =''
    if video_id:
        timestamps = get_timestamps(video_id, text)
        for ts in timestamps:
            format_timestamp = format_timestamp + "\n" + ts

    # Return data for use in future steps
    return {
        "youtube": format_timestamp,

After adding a new Python step timestamp with this code, you can use the variable


in the markup of the final step.