More robust/rich tasking system

Some great discussions here. I’m actually writing a blog post on this right now, and will post it here when I’m done. Much of the issue is changing your mindset and approach to tasks – in the Supernotes Paradigm.

Instead of creating tasks within cards, create a new unfinished card for every different task you have to do.

So if you have a task of “Write this blog post”, instead of creating a card called “Work Tasks” with that as checklist item, actually start writing a few sentences of the blog post in Supernotes. This is an organic approach and increases your likelyhood of finishing what you have set out to do. This might sound a bit unclear right now, but looking forward to sharing the article once it’s finished!

@solsen, Custom Collections is one of highest priority items at the moment and that will pretty much add everything you want. As it says on the tin you will be able to add new collections of cards that filter automatically with certain dates and tags.

@freisatz is right, Supernotes will probably never be as good as a dedicated task manager, and rightfully so. We want to be the best note-taker. That’s one of the reasons, we are continuing to build out our Developer Documentation (this is just released!) to make it even easier and easier for people to build and integrate with Supernotes. On top of this we’re also developing a way to visualise and link to data from outside of Supernotes within Supernotes; whether that’s tasks, cloud-stored files, or kindle highlights (but that’s a little way off a the moment).